Dynamic Haikai: When Street Photography and Software Development meet each other

Haikais are short poems of Japanese origin, usually composed of 3 separate parts that are related as a whole. The poem is composed of seventeen syllables, organized in three verses of five, seven and five syllables respectively. In Haikai, "Nature is portrayed from sensory perceptions. That is, the haikai presents the perception of nature, whether visual, olfactory, auditory, tactile or gustatory".[1]

Social documentary photography (also known as street photography) tries to capture society in a given point in time through candid images. It depicts the social customs and the characteristics that make that specific portion of reality unique. Both genres share a common trait. They rely on one's perception of the world outside expressed poetically, either in textual form or visually. In this project, I unite both genres in a web platform which combines photographs I take for my street photography project (@foteografias) and Haikai poems I write. Each photo is  linked to a verse, such as "Gray sky", "Joy", "Erupting volcano" and so on. The verses are generated randomly from a previously assembled database and the photos are dynamically shuffled in real time. The project serves as a window to a certain sensation that we have when perceiving nature and the society around us with the intent of generating a reflection moment within the effervescence of the ever-connected society we live in.

Link to online demo: https://teogenesmoura.github.io/visualHaiku/

Link to open source repository: https://github.com/teogenesmoura/visualHaiku

[1] - Hirashima, Cezar Katsumi. O Haikai nas artes visuais: tradução intersemiótica. Diss. Universidade de São Paulo, 2007.